The date March fourth has a symbolic meaning for some people and especially for me the last couple years . It is the day to set forth and go after your goals. However, sometimes pursuing your goals can get a bit messy, and how you envision your life isn't always what you get, but it is important to keep going. Over a year ago my life was completely different, as I was struggling  with finding myself after leaving my job of about 10 years. I had taken time for myself to focus on mental health, and went back to my then current job on March 4th, 2022 to finish the year out as it was a very difficult year. Once the school year ended,  I decided to embark on a new journey to be a microschool guide. I had my 3 kids and 7 other kids throughout the course of the year. It was a very different job than I was used to, but also very rewarding, creative and fun. However, I hit many big waves in the Spring Semester of 2023. Starting March 4th, 2022, I started thinking about some of my dreams and goals for the future. I found my dream home and started looking for other jobs, but the waves kept crashing down, things did not work out like they seemed they would with the house or anything for that matter, and then I got a different job when I wasn't looking for it, but then all of a sudden that wave crashed down too. During that process I also got very sick for a month and also was approved to host foreign exchange students. My world has flipped a complete 360 degrees since March fourth when I was trying to think about some goals and dreams to strive for. With all the big waves that kept knocking me down, I could have given up, but I kept going. I was discouraged and depressed , but I'm human. It's ok to be sad and grieve what was lost or might have been. However, do not let it stop you from creating new happiness and seeking new goals. I keep finding a new wave to pursue and I am being refined in the process-- just like the seashells on the shore. I never would have thought I would own my own business if you had told me this just a couple years ago, but here I am. With all the waves that have knocked me down I have become stronger and more resilient, and I am ready to take back my life and ride the waves. I am a creative entrepreneur with a passion to inspire others to overcome their own personal waves and enjoy the ride! I am excited to share the ride with my readers! Welcome to my beautiful mess! I'm a daughter  of God, wife,  mother of three children, 4 parakeets, one puppy,  business woman , educator, creator, and  soon will be hosting a German teenager in our home. Yes, a beautiful mess and  I am confidently moving forward and surfing these waves! 

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